National DNA Day, April 25th is a celebration of the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Double Helix in 1953. It is a day that offers students, teachers and the public to learn about DNA, to celebrate the latest advances, and to learn how they impact our lives.
You can see some events happening at:
As a result, every year we see the genetic genealogy companies place their tests on sale so all of us can have the opportunity to learn about DNA and how we are all related.

Family Tree DNA takes top priority as their autosomal sale (Family Finder) is the lowest and they have more types of tests on sale.
Family Tree DNA has tests on sale
from now until 28 Apr at 11:59 pm, probably Central Time.
Family Finder is $49 (save $30)
Y-DNA tests are all on sale:
Y-37 is
$139 (was $169)
Y-67 is $209
(was $269)
Y-111 is
$289 (was $359)
Big Y is
$649 (was $799)
mtDNA tests:
mtDNA Full
Sequence $149 (was $199)
Remember, for any sale no other discount codes can be used.
- AncestryDNA
has their atDNA on sale for $59
- MyHeritage
is $69
- 23andMe
30% off each kit (ends Apr 25) (It appears you must order two kits;
usually that’s what they do, at least and the form looks like it is set up
for two)
- LivingDNA
$79.99 (was $159)
Do could be my cousin!