Jamboree 2016 is coming quickly. Hope you are also!

Jamboree's DNA Day is Thursday, June 2 followed by three more days of genealogy. This yearly gathering in Burbank, California has a massive line-up. Registration is open until May 22 so there is still some time. See:
Speakers for DNA Day include Jim Bartlett, Blaine T. Bettinger, Katherine Borges, Shannon S. Christmas, Janine Cloud, Kitty Cooper, David Dowell, Tim Janzen, Diahan Southard, Paul Woodbury, and many more, including ME!
I'll be presenting
DNA Your Paper Trail: An Introduction to Genetic Genealogy; Verify, Correct and Expand Your Lineage Through DNA Testing; and
I've Tested My DNA; Now What? The latter is a workshop presented on Friday morning. Other workshops from some of the above people are scheduled for Friday morning.
Michael Hammer, PhD at the ARL Division of Biotechnology at the University of Arizona will speak on
The Peopling of Europe at Thursday's luncheon.
Also, just before the festivities end on Thursday, I will be selling and signing my book:
Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond which will be available until I run out of copies. You may purchase it online at
AuthorHouse.com, Amazon and Barnes and Noble if you miss getting a copy at Jamboree.
There will be an
Ask the Experts Panel for DNA questions on Friday consisting of Blaine T. Bettinger, Shannon S. Christmas, David Dowell, Tim Janzen, and me. Alice M. Fairhurst is the moderator.
Also, you can sign up for one-to-one help with DNA and with genealogy.
...and I have not touched the three days of great genealogy presentations as well as the many vendors!
Do act quickly, my workshop is over capacity, but I am allowing as many as can fit in the room legally. AND, you can always grab me in the halls to help with your DNA questions.
So do join us for this annual conference, and hang out in the hotel restaurant and bar with the presenters and vendors. At least stop by to say hello to me!
19 May 2016