12 November 2017

Family Tree DNA Holiday Sale!!!!

The Holiday Sale is HERE!

At the end of the FTDNA Conference in Houston today, they announced the sale for the holidays wish includes individual tests, bundles and upgrades!  Now is the time to test!

Individual Tests:
Family Finder (FF)                     $59            Reg.  $89
mtFull Sequence (FMS)           $169            Reg. $199
Y-37                                          $129            Reg. $169
Y-67                                          $229            Reg. $268
Y-111                                        $299            Reg. $359

Family Finder + Y-37                 $178            Reg. $238
Family Finder + Y-67                 $278            Reg. $337
FF + mtFull Sequence                $218           Reg. $268
FF + Y-67 + mtFull Sequence    $442            Reg. $536

mt/mtPlus to FMS                     $119           Reg. $159
Big Y *                                      $475           Reg. $575
Y-12 to Y-37                               $69            Reg. $109
Y-25 to Y-37                               $35            Reg.   $59
Y-37 to Y-67                               $79            Reg. $109
Y-37 to Y-111                           $168            Reg. $228
Y-67 to Y-111                             $99            Reg. $129

*  You must have a Y-37 test before being able to order a Big Y.  The Big Y does upgrade you to the Y-111 test, however.)

NOTE:  SNPs and SNP Packs will also be 15% off during the Holiday Sale.

Typically this sale runs until the end of December.
