15 June 2016

Family Tree DNA's Father's Day Sale!!!

Family Tree DNA'Father’s Day Sale is upon us!

Beginning at midnight Jun 16th and running until 11:59 p.m. (CST) on Monday, June 20th, FTDNA’s Father’s Day Sale will be in effect, bringing discounts on upgrade pricing as promised, as well as some select testing bundles! Invoiced orders during the sale will also receive the sale pricing as long as the balance is paid by the end of the sale period​.

Y-DNA Upgrades.  Sale price in the green column:

Please note that a Y-37 marker is becoming the minimum test now, so a Y-67 or higher is more helpful in finding matches which are closer in time.  As FTDNA does not provide sales on upgrades often, this is a great time to take advantage.

Testing bundles:

You can order a test at just after midnight tonight at www.familytreedna.com

Ancestry Autosomal Transfer update:

As you probably know A​ncestryDNA recently changed their file format for their​ autosomal raw data files, and the new format of these files is currently not compatible with our system. FTDNA is working to adjust to make our system compatible with these files as soon as possible. They have this placed at a high priority so that those Ancestry testers who have tested under their new chip may transfer to our database.

PLEASE NOTE that this issue only affects those who have recently tested with AncestryDNA. People who have tested with Ancestry prior to the recent change in their testing chip are still able to transfer. ​

If you tested prior to mid-May 2016, you can upload your autosomal test to Family Tree DNA for $39 and save $60 from the normal price of $99 plus shipping at FTDNA. Click Here for details on transferring.  

Reasons for transferring include:
1.  You get matches from a different database of testers and find more cousins.
2.  You can see the actual DNA segments that you share with your matches which can more accurately help you locate the common ancestor.
3.  You receive the name and email address of your matches so you can contact them directly and share pedigrees, family stories and photos.
4.  You are provided a chromosome browser so you can see where your matches share DNA with you. AncestryDNA does not provide this.
5. You can download to a spreadsheet program your list of matches which include their email, any notes you make on the website and more.
6.  You can download to a spreadsheet program the segments (start and stop position, etc.) where those cousins match you. AncestryDNA does not provide this.
7.  Ancestry's change is now including some medical markers for their own research or for research with other companies.  Family Tree DNA removes any known medical markers.

If you need help with understanding the FTDNA webpages or how to deal with the information you download, just go to the FTDNA homepage and scroll to the bottom to click on LEARNING CENTER and/or WEBINARS which are free.  Also consider buying my book (see the right side panel) and/or email me directly:  aulicino (at sign) hevanet (dot) com  

NOTE:  I will not entertain any postings to this blog nor my email that appear as an advertisement for your activities or are unrelated to genetic genealogy.  That is an on-going policy.

SO...be among the first to take advantage of this sale!  You never know when another will happen, especially on upgrades!

See in the gene pool!
