01 January 2021

2020: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

As 2020 turned our world upside down, I shall also flip the title of this.


The Bad and the Ugly

1.      Covid-19 and the death and division it has created is a no brainer.

2.      The politics that have divided us is definitely bad and at times very ugly and non-democratic.

3.      The destructive riots have literally torn our cities. Peaceful demonstrations are just fine, but, sadly, when our governments do not listen, demonstrations move to more drastic situations. They turn ugly.


So, The Good! …as the New Year begins anew!

1.      Covid-19: We now have some vaccines available.

2.      Politics: We have a new President.

3.      Riots: Although the cause of the riots has not been resolved, they have lessened, and some cities are looking at the tactics of SOME of their police force.


BUT the real good of being locked down for nine months…

1.      Most families have been able to spend more time together and understand the value of any loss.

2.      Many people have learned to Zoom with relatives and friends!

3.      Many people support friends and families either financially or in kind.

4.      Not spending money on travel or dining out, retirees have been able to help their children and grandchildren as well as contribute more to charities and donate to food banks.

5.      We have had time to slow down and see what is of more value to us than material things. We realize that we can live without some things. (exception: toilet paper!)

6.      We have learned to value our first responders.


I’m sure there are more good situations that has come out of 2020, but as a genealogist, the list continues! The time we now spend at home, allows us to …

1.      organize our genealogy files.

2.      scan our photos and other documents.

3.      add names, dates, and places on the back of our photos (WITH an archival pen).

4.      do more research, although online.

5.      attend classes, workshops and conferences via Zoom, Go To Meeting, and Go To Webinar.

6.      write our family stories and childhood memories

7.      write a book or booklet our ancestors, or a particular branch.


No doubt there is much more in each category, but if some of the GOOD in 2020 has escaped you, you have 2021 to explore the possibilities.


Regardless, we all need to look at 2021 as a road out of 2020 even if the first few months do not feel like anything has changed.  It will. We have made it through nine months of chaos; we can make it for several more months! We have been given the wisdom of the medical teams and now need to follow it well.


Wishing all of you the very best 2021 has to offer.  Do take care of yourselves and your family and friends.  Stay safe. Make the best of what you have!



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